Root Canal Treatment Tips to Save an Infected Tooth and Preserve the Surrounding Structures


When is a root canal necessary?

The main reason that a patient would require a root canal treatment is because of an untreated cavity. Left untreated, the decay can eat away at the tooth's enamel and dentin until it eventually damages the root of the tooth. This decay then leads to inflammation and infection of the pulp of the tooth, known as an abscess.

Untreated periodontitis (gum disease) can also result in a badly infected or abscessed tooth that will then require a expert in root. Infections of the pulp of the tooth are untreatable by way of antibiotics; the only alternative to a endodonic treatment is extraction of the tooth. The dentist or endodontic will attempt to save the natural tooth by removing the infected pulp. It is in the best interest of the patient's overall oral health to preserve the natural tooth whenever possible; removal of a single tooth may cause other teeth to drift out of line, impacting the overall alignment of the teeth.

Every dentist is trained to do root treatment, and many family dentists do root treatments at their office. However, you may be referred to a prosthodontist or endodontist for your procedure, as these dental professionals specialize in restorative dentistry.

What happens during the procedure?

Typically during a root treatment procedure, the dentist will inject the patient with a local anesthetic. In the case where multiple teeth need to be fixed, he or she may recommend sedation dentistry. The patient is sometimes prescribed antibiotics beforehand to decrease the infection. If you enjoyed this write-up and you would certainly like to get more information regarding dental implant dentists anthem kindly check out our own web site.

During the procedure, the dentist will open the crown of the tooth to expose the root and pulp. The dentist will then examine and clean the root systems using the appropriate dental instruments. If an abscess is present, the dentist may need to drain it; this could take a couple of days and an additional appointment may be necessary in order to complete the root canal treatment.

If the pulp is dead or severely infected, the dentist will remove it. The empty space will then be filled with permanent dental filler.

What happens after the procedure?

Teeth that have undergone a root canal treatment are often capped with a crown to strengthen and protect the tooth from further damage. It is normal to experience some swelling and tenderness immediately after the treatment; however, if discomfort continues for more than 48 hours, contact your dentist or endodontist.

It is still possible for cavities to reoccur after a root canal has been performed. Speak to your dental professional for guidance on proper oral hygiene to prevent further decay and damage to your teeth. With proper maintenance, a tooth that has had a root canal can last for a patient's lifetime.

A root canal may be necessary in order to save an infected or damaged tooth. It will eliminate the pain, inflammation and infection that have spread to the pulp of the tooth, and prevent the infection from spreading to other dental structures. A root canal treatment is more beneficial than simply pulling the tooth, as the natural tooth will retain the alignment of the teeth.